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CPU Support

Please use the search engine to find a product model or, choose a Processor to show the supported products. This table shows the CPU types that we tested in our label, and only applies to recent shipment of PCCHIPS Products.

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By Processor CPU
CPU Support list by Model
Model: M863G
Chipset: SiS® 741GX / 963L
PCB Version: V1.5A
BIOS Version: 040827S

Processor Processor info. (Cache, System Bus, Pkg) Status
AthlonXP 3000+(.13u) (512,333,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2800+(.13u) (512,333,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2700+(.13u) (256,333,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2600+(.13u) (256,333,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2600+(.13u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2500+(.13u) (512,333,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2400+(.13u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2200+(.13u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2100+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2100+(.13u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2000+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 2000+(.13u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 1900+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 1900+(.13u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 1800+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 1800+(.13u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 1700+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 1700+(.13u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 1600+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 1600+(.13u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonXP 1500+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
Sempron 3000+(model8) (512,333,Socket 462) Yes
Sempron 2800+(model8) (256,333,Socket 462) Yes
Sempron 2800+(model10) (256,333,Socket 462) Yes
Sempron 2600+(model8) (256,333,Socket 462) Yes
Sempron 2500+(model8) (256,333,Socket 462) Yes
Sempron 2400+(model8) (256,333,Socket 462) Yes
Sempron 2300+(model8) (256,333,Socket 462) Yes
Sempron 2200+(model8) (256,333,Socket 462) Yes
Sempron 2200+(model10) (256,333,Socket 462) Yes
AMD Palomino AHD 1200+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AMD Palomino AHD 1000+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 950 (256,200,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 900 (256,200,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 850 (256,200,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 1.4G (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 1.4G (256,200,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 1.3G (256,200,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 1.33G (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 1.2G (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 1.2G (256,200,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 1.1G (256,200,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 1.133G (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 1.0G (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
Athlon 1.0G (256,200,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonMP 1600+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
AthlonMP 1500+(.18u) (256,266,Socket 462) Yes
Duron 950 (64,200,Socket 462) Yes
Duron 900 (64,200,Socket 462) Yes
Duron 850 (64,200,Socket 462) Yes
Duron 1.8G (64,266,Socket 462) Yes
Duron 1.6G (64,266,Socket 462) Yes
Duron 1.4G (64,266,Socket 462) Yes
Duron 1.3G (64,200,Socket 462) Yes
Duron 1.2G (64,200,Socket 462) Yes
Duron 1.1G (64,200,Socket 462) Yes
Duron 1.0G (64,200,Socket 462) Yes
* For Intel processors, system bus stands for FSB.
  For AMD processors, system bus stands for HT Speed.
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