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PCCHIPS at Computex 2004
PCCHIPS motherboards have long been recognized as the best value in the market with cutting edge technologies and rich features. This year at Computex 2004, PCCHIPS will present the full lines of motherboards including the famous value lines, all-in-one solution, and extreme performance. The spotlight will be on the extreme performance model, it is so called "Tidalwave". First time in PCCHIPS product history, PCCHIPS introduces high-end motherboards. These motherboards are designed with suite of eight unique technology advancements known collectively as "Smart Technologies". TidalWave motherboards are aimed at providing the most stable platform for DIY market, gamers, and hobbyists. In addition to TidalWave, PCCHIPS is showing their latest mainstream and value lines of motherboards. With the most cost effective products from PCCHIPS, you will witness the true "VALUE" is the key success factor in today’s competitive PC market. PCCHIPS is the only guarantee to deliver the best product at the most affordable price.

Please come and join us at Computex to experience the new generation of PCCHIPS. All these products will be shown at TWTC Hall 2, F189.
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